Entries by james

Basic Word Stress

Basic Word Stress The BBC published a video about the discovery of a new planet. The surprising thing is, not only is it close to Earth, but it could be capable of supporting life. As you can imagine, this is an interesting and surprising news story. The Science Correspondent uses basic word stress to emphasise certain […]

How to Pronounce Knowledge Want Cough

How to Pronounce Knowledge Want Cough The spelling of the /ɒ/ sound is usually a straightforward affair. We usually spell this sound with the letter ‘o’. Some examples are ‘long’/lɒŋ/, ‘bottom’/bɒtəm/, ‘dog’/dɒg/, ‘god’/gɒd/, ‘song’/sɒŋ/, ‘top’/tɒp/ and ‘wrong’/rɒŋ/. Then we have ‘project’/prɒdʒekt/ (the noun, not to be confused with the verb ‘to project’/prədʒekt/). If you want to know […]